Bastian Heinel

Bastian Heinel

Dr. iur., attorney-at-law


University of Lucerne, Faculty of law (MLaw, 2015; Ph.D. in Law, 2022); bar admission (2017)

Professional Experience

Legal trainee with the Penal Court of the Canton of Lucerne (2015); legal trainee with a leading Swiss business law firm in Zurich and Geneva (2016); attorney at law with another leading business law firm in Zurich (2018–2020), research assistant at the chair for civil procedure law with focus on debt enforcement and bankruptcy law at the University of Lucerne as well as thesis there with Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez (2020–2022), since 2022 Associate with Holenstein Brusa Ltd.


German, English, French

Preferred Areas of Practice

The advice and support of companies and individuals in (pre-)litigation and arbitration proceedings are core skills of our lawyers:
  • Pre-Litigation: We analyse the factual and legal situation, assess the litigation prospects and risks of your case and - if appropriate - conduct out-of-court settlement discussions with the counterparty.
  • Litigation and Arbitration: We develop sustainable litigation strategies and draft efficient legal submissions, assist you in court hearings and meetings with authorities and - if necessary - challenge court decisions.
Furthermore, we advise and represent our corporate clients in national and international arbitration proceedings in manufacturing, commercial as well as (financial) services related legal fields. Our lawyers are also regularly being appointed as experts or arbitrators. We have profound experience in legal advisory and representation services to corporate and private clients with regard to proceedings in the field of international mutual assistance in civil, administrative and criminal matters (including the areas of information exchange in the field of international criminal tax, financial markets, transfer of cultural property and sanctions control). Notably, this includes counselling and representing clients regarding:
  • the transmission of information and evidence abroad
  • cross-border inter-corporate investigations
  • issues concerning data protection
  • the detection and recovery of assets in Switzerland
  • the seizure, unfreezing and repatriation of such assets
We have extensive experience in advising and representing companies and their executive officers and directors in both national and complex international restructuring and insolvency cases:
  • representation of creditors or debtors in restructuring and insolvency cases
  • representation of creditors in creditors’ committees
  • representation of creditors or debtors in enforcement, attachment, garnishment or seizer proceedings
  • representation of creditors, debtors or insolvency estates in litigation proceedings (see also Litigation and Arbitration)
  • running insolvency proceedings as commissioner (Sachwalter), extra-ordinary trustee in bankruptcy (ausseramtliche Konkursverwaltung) or liquidator
  • advising and supporting foreign bankruptcy trustees to attract and include assets located in Switzerland within the foreign bankruptcy estate
  • provision of legal or expert opinions on matters of Swiss insolvency law
We advise our clients on all aspects of corporate and commercial law and - if requested - also represent our clients before courts in all related issues and disputes. Our proven real estate specialists offer legal advisory services to private and corporate clients on real estate projects as well as tenancy law related issues.In particular, we offer the following services:
  • incorporation of companies, corporations and establishment of branches
  • company reorganisations and restructurings
  • drawing up customised shareholder agreements and transfer Agreements
  • establishment of company structures incl. by-laws and other internal regulations and directives, such as rules on management transactions, insider trading, data protection, anti-corruption etc.
  • governance and compliance matters
  • providing advice and support in organising shareholders' general meetings of listed and private companies: invitation, script, coordination of shareholders‘ ledger, keeping of the minutes, independent shareholders’ representative
  • duties and liabilities of board members and Management
  • agreements with regard to board members and senior Managers
  • succession planning and inheritance law
  • providing legal support for start start-ups
  • mergers & acquisitions, incl. due diligence
  • due diligence process (including zoning and real estate register law issues)
  • contracts on real estate transactions
  • drafting of property by floor regulations
  • contracts of work and Services
  • enforcement of warranty claims / protection against warranty Claims
  • tenancy law disputes
We have a profound knowledge of and extensive experience in legal advisory work and representing banks, pension funds, asset managers and family offices as well as private clients in all national and international (cross border) matters of banking and financial market laws and regulations, namely:
  • Contracts / General Terms and Conditions: Drafting and advancement of contracts as well as general terms and conditions related to banking and financial markets
  • Loan Security: Contracts on loan securities, bank guarantees etc.
  • Digital Banking: Development of legally compliant digital procedures and related documents
  • Opinions: Drafting of legal opinions and expert opinions
  • Collective Investment Schemes: Foundation and Distribution
  • Directive System: Drafting and implementation of directives, internal rules, by-laws and regulations etc.
  • Investigation: Advice and support with regard to internal investigations
  • Outsourcing Legal: Provision of outsourced legal services as a relief of internal legal and compliance
  • Regulatory Matters: Advice on regulatory developments and their internal implementation
  • Litigation: Advice and representation of financial institutions as well as institutional and private clients in (pre-)litigation and arbitration proceedings (see also Litigation and Arbitration)


Zwangsverwertung von Drittpfändern im Unternehmenskonkurs, Verfahren – Pfandobjekte – Rechtsbehelfe
Diss. Luzern, Zürich/Genf 2022 (reviewed in: ZZZ 59/2022, p. 362 f.)
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Schweiz, Länderbericht, in: Kindler/Nachmann/Bitzer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Insolvenzrecht in Europa, München 2023 (Stand: 12. Ergänzungslieferung) (zusammen mit Rodrigo Rodriguez)

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(Super-)Provisorische Handelsregister- und Grundbuchsperren (Art. 261 ff. ZPO) in Mehrparteienkonstellationen
ZZZ 63/2023, S. 251 ff.
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Mitwirkungspflichten bei der Konkursmassenfeststellung (Teil 2), Eine Betrachtung im Lichte des beschränkten Untersuchungsgrundsatzes
SJZ 23/2022, S. 1141 ff.
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Mitwirkungspflichten bei der Konkursmassenfeststellung (Teil 1), Eine Betrachtung im Lichte des beschränkten Untersuchungsgrundsatzes
SJZ 22/2022, S. 1055 ff.
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Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen im Lichte des kartellrechtlichen Anspruchs auf Vertragsabschluss nach Art. 13 lit. b i.V.m. Art. 12 Abs. 1 lit. a KG
SJZ 10/2021, S. 475 ff. (zusammen mit Rodrigo Rodriguez)
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Die Schuldanerkennung nach Art. 17 OR im Rahmen des Factoringvertrages, Ein eigenständiger, rechtsgültiger und durchsetzbarer Anspruch?
GesKR 3/2018, S. 287 ff. (zusammen mit Theodor Härtsch)
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12 September 2023, Zurich Bar Association, Presentation to the combined specialist sections of (i) Banking law and (ii) Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy law
Realization of third party pledges in companies’ bankruptcy

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