Doriana Mazzei
MLaw, attorney-at-law
Zurich University, School of Law (MLaw 2014); admitted to the Bar (2017)
Professional Experience
Junior Associate with the law firm since 2014; Associate with the law firm since 2017
German, English, Italian, French
Preferred Areas of Practice
Banking and Finance (incl. Securities Law, investigations, FinTech)
- Contracts / General Terms and Conditions: Drafting and advancement of contracts as well as general terms and conditions related to banking and financial markets
- Loan Security: Contracts on loan securities, bank guarantees etc.
- Digital Banking: Development of legally compliant digital procedures and related documents
- Opinions: Drafting of legal opinions and expert opinions
- Collective Investment Schemes: Foundation and Distribution
- Directive System: Drafting and implementation of directives, internal rules, by-laws and regulations etc.
- Investigation: Advice and support with regard to internal investigations
- Outsourcing Legal: Provision of outsourced legal services as a relief of internal legal and compliance
- Regulatory Matters: Advice on regulatory developments and their internal implementation
- Litigation: Advice and representation of financial institutions as well as institutional and private clients in (pre-)litigation and arbitration proceedings (see also Litigation and Arbitration)
Insolvency- and Restructuring Law
- representation of creditors or debtors in restructuring and insolvency cases
- representation of creditors in creditors’ committees
- representation of creditors or debtors in enforcement, attachment, garnishment or seizer proceedings
- representation of creditors, debtors or insolvency estates in litigation proceedings (see also Litigation and Arbitration)
- running insolvency proceedings as commissioner (Sachwalter), extra-ordinary trustee in bankruptcy (ausseramtliche Konkursverwaltung) or liquidator
- advising and supporting foreign bankruptcy trustees to attract and include assets located in Switzerland within the foreign bankruptcy estate
- provision of legal or expert opinions on matters of Swiss insolvency law
Business Law (incl. Contract Law, Corporate Law, Transactions / Mergers & Acquisitions, IT Law, Real Estate)
- incorporation of companies, corporations and establishment of branches
- company reorganisations and restructurings
- drawing up customised shareholder agreements and transfer Agreements
- establishment of company structures incl. by-laws and other internal regulations and directives, such as rules on management transactions, insider trading, data protection, anti-corruption etc.
- governance and compliance matters
- providing advice and support in organising shareholders' general meetings of listed and private companies: invitation, script, coordination of shareholders‘ ledger, keeping of the minutes, independent shareholders’ representative
- duties and liabilities of board members and Management
- agreements with regard to board members and senior Managers
- succession planning and inheritance law
- providing legal support for start start-ups
- mergers & acquisitions, incl. due diligence
- due diligence process (including zoning and real estate register law issues)
- contracts on real estate transactions
- drafting of property by floor regulations
- contracts of work and Services
- enforcement of warranty claims / protection against warranty Claims
- tenancy law disputes
Fristentücken bei der Fortsetzung der Betreibung
Anwaltsrevue 6/7|2024, 264-267
Die Behandlung von arbeitsrechtlichen Forderungen im Konkurs
BlSchK 2023, 313 – 328
Download PDF
09.05.2025 Konferenz der Betreibungs- und Konkursbeamten der Schweiz, Sektion Tessin
Il trattamento dei crediti di diritto del lavoro nella procedura fallimentare del datore di lavoro
19.09.2024 Davos Kongress Treuhand
Bekämpfung missbräuchliche Konkurse – Entwicklungen im SchKG | Kurzübersicht Nachlassverfahren
21.03.2023 Konferenz der Betreibungs- und Konkursbeamten der Schweiz
Die Behandlung der arbeitsrechtlichen Forderung im Konkurs
03.06.2020 EXPERTsuisse AG (Webinar)
Die neue COVID-19-Stundung – bald eine häufige Realität
Court Case Reviews
Die Frist nach Art. 166 Abs. 2 SchKG
Besprechung von BGer, 5A_190/2023, 3.8.2023
AJP (2024), 372.